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PR40 THERMO NEW LIFT-SLIDE SYSTEM FROM PROFILCO Sistem de glisante din profile cu bariera termica si etansare pe garnituri avand drept rezultat o izolare termica foarte buna. Cerceveaua executa o miscare de ridicare glisare prin intermediul unui mecanism special pentru a asigura un grad sporit de etanseitate. Caracteristici principale pentru PR40 Thermo: Lift sliding mecanism […]

Sistemele cu întreruperea puntii termice au fost proiectate pentru a îmbunătăţi condiţiile de izolare termica şi fonica. In acest fel se reduce considerabil transferul de căldură de la interior spre exterior sau invers Caracteristici de baza pentru sistemul PR63 Cercevea cu adancime de 63mm Se pot folosi vitraje cuprinse intre 10-42mm Poliamida de 24mm Coeficientul […]

PR40 THERMO NEW LIFT-SLIDE SYSTEM FROM PROFILCO The new thermal break system by PROFILCO, PR40 Thermo is the outcome of three companies’ cooperation that covers all demands of lift sliding constructions. The object of this cooperation is the creation of a thermal break lift-sliding / sliding system for manufacturing waterproof low cost constructions. PR 40 […]

PROFILCO S.A continuing the effort to offer to the constructors high quality aluminium systems,has sign a deal with the German company SYKON for the production and the merchandise of SYKON’s systems in countries that PROFILCO has a sales network. SYKON is one of the oldest aluminium system companies which designs and trades its aluminium systems in the German market. PROFILCO produces and supplies the thermal break system SYKOTHERM 70 in the market which responds to the specifications of DIN-ENV. The architects and the aluminium constructors can have now a high specification system which can be used in new buildings or in renovated buildings. System constuctions The thermal break system SYKOTHERM 70 of SYKON for windows and doors responds completely to the international standards of quality control . The heat insulation coefficient is achieved with the multi-chamber polyamide. The SYKOTHERM 70 of SYKON is the most appropriate solution for heavy constructions of high specifications, because of […]

PR48 is a completely new system which has the same design with all PROFILCO’s systems and can provide ergonomy. It is ideal for big openings in hotels, houses and entertainment places. The sliding of the guidance mechanism is made with 4 rollers in a special designed internal driver in order that the system works perfect […]